HAL, as a responsible PSU, strives to accomplish the vision of becoming a significant global player in the Aerospace Industry and at the same time is focused on environment protection, conservation of natural resources, welfare of employees and the society at large. HAL has been demonstrating its sense of responsibility towards both the community and the environment through various initiatives over the years, proactively nurturing community growth and development. Several initiatives and measures have been undertaken over the past few years to reduce the impact of HAL’s operations on environment.


1.    The Company has installed Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) systems at all its locations. Suitable buildings are identified and RWH systems are put in place to collect and store the rain water. The stored rain water is used for gardening and other non-potable uses.

2.    The Company actively promotes water conservation by taking effective measures like arresting of leakages, spreading awareness, etc.

3.    The Company ensures that its operations do not pollute the environment. Sewage and Effluent Treatment Plants are installed and the treated water is used for gardening and other non-potable uses. All the operations of the Company are in full compliance with the local Pollution Control Board norms.
4.    Plantation of tree saplings is a continuous activity. Many Divisions of the Company located in cities such as Bangalore, Lucknow, Hyderabad provide green lung space in an otherwise concrete jungle.

5.    Under CSR, HAL has taken up the rejuvenation of Kumudvathi River in Tumkur District, Karnataka State, in association with the International Association for Human Values (IAHV), an NGO. About 25000 saplings have been planted in the catchment area to increase the water retention. The project is set to be completed in the year 2019 and has received the following recognition and awards:
  • Best CSR Project in 3rd Corporate Social Responsibility Summit by NHRD
  • Best Environment Friendly Project by ABP News.
  • Chosen among the Top-20, “Blue Economy Projects in India” and Received Skoch “Order of Merit”.
  • Joint winner of Rotary Karnataka CSR Awards 2019 under “Water & Sanitation Category”
  • Gold Award by Apex India CSR Excellence Awards 2018.
  • Online Sustainability Award by Econaur under Water Harvesting category.

1.    Energy Conservation is an ongoing effort in HAL’s operations. HAL has implemented several energy conservation measures down the years which has resulted in lowering the energy intensity of the operations. Few examples are listed below:

         a.    Refurbishing of furnace insulations

         b.    Installation of Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) in Air Compressors, Ventilation Systems etc.

         c.    Installation of Solar Water Heaters

         d.    Improving the operation of Air Compressors and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Plants

         e.    Replacement of Reciprocating Compressors with Screw Compressors.

          f.    Replacement of old Air Conditioners with star rated Air Conditioners.

2.    HAL is committed to replace the conventional type Light Fittings with LED Light Fittings at all its locations. The work is currently under progress and around 65% coverage has been achieved.

3.    Apart from improving the energy efficiency in operations, HAL is also committed to invest on reduction in consumption of energy from conventional resources. The Company has committed to install 50 MW of Renewable Energy Power Plants to reduce the carbon footprint. Wind and Solar Power Plants of about 46 MW capacity have already been installed. During the year 2019-20, the company has generated about 775 Lakh units of electricity from the solar & wind power plants for captive use thereby avoliding about 73000 Tons of CO2e equivalent emissions.

4.    A 3.5 MW Solar Power Plant is installed at HAL Airport, Bangalore during 2015-16. The power plant has a single-axis tracking mechanism which enhances the power generation and avoids glare for the landing Aircraft. Similarly, ground mounted solar power plants of 15MW and 6MW capacity have been installed at our Nasik and Koraput Division respectively during 2018-19.
Solar Power Plant
5. A 6.3 MW Wind Power Plant located at Harapanahalli in Davangere District of Karnataka was commissioned on 31st March 2016.. Another 8.4MW wind power plant was established near Ilkal in Bagalkot District and was commissioned on 11th December 2018. 
Wind Power Plant
6.    Roof Top Solar Power Plants have also been installed at various Divisions of the Company across India. More than 7MWp capacity has been installed on the roof tops.
Roof Top Solar Power Plants

1.    As part of Municipal Solid Waste (MSD) Management activity, two units of Organic Waste Converters (OWCs) were installed at the Senior Officers Quarters in Bangalore.The OWC converts kitchen and other organic waste into garden manure. It is a step towards achieving zero waste disposals in the townships. 
2.    In another initiative towards Solid Waste Management, two units of Biogas Plants with a capacity of 500kg/day and 1000kg/day each were installed at the Central Test House (CTH) area at HAL, Bangalore. Waste from the canteens is processed in this plant. The biogas generated is being used for cooking.
Solid Waste Management
3.    Segregation at source has been implemented at all locations of HAL in order to manage the waste effectively.

4.    HAL also operates a Paper Recycling Unit at Bangalore to process the waste paper from Offices for making Files, Folders and other Stationery Items. The plant has a capacity to process 75 Kgs/day of waste paper. This is one of the initiatives taken by HAL towards conservation of trees.
Paper Recycling Unit
5.    The Company also promotes awareness in the community regarding waste management and Swachh Bharat. Some of the modes of engagement with the community are conducting drawing and essay writing competitions in schools, skits, mini-marathons etc. Top Management of the Company actively participate in these campaigns.
Awareness for Swachh Bharat
Swachh Bharat.
Swachh Bharat.
Swachh Bharat.
Swachh Bharat.
6.    The Company has received a Certificate of Appreciation from the National Productivity Council for its efforts in Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.